Friday, January 06, 2006

"You are a born Winner"

Shiv Khera says "You can win". I say "You are a born winner" :) For that matter everyone is a born winner. I will give you the reason too

OK!!! who is winner?? Someone who has beaten several others in his field to reach at top. So will you call yourself winner if you know that you have beaten more than a million???? Take example of CAT.. toughest Entrance exam.. There to qualify you have to beat 150K people... So definitely people will call them winner..

Now lets come back to " YOU".... Why are you a born winner?? SIMPLE FUNDA... Do you know out of how many sperms, you were the one to fertilize and to get born hehehe? Millions.. :) .. So if you can beat more a million to get borned, so definitely you should be called a born winner :-) :-) HENCE I SAY EVERYONE IS A BORN WINNER....

So lets get serious... Look at the probability.... 1 in millions... WoW.... Lets try to compare it with some other statistics... 1 in millions is equivalent to be chosen as PM/Presidents of many countries.. 1 in millions is the chance of finding a diamond among stones... So you are that diamond... You were lucky enough to get borned... As they say in Hindu Mythology... after some lakhs of yonis.. you are given a chance to be born as a human.. :) :)so dont waste this chance...This life :) .... Consider yourself winner by the fact that you are born as a human after beating some millions of sperms :) :)

Even now if you dont consider yourself as a winner... Then you are definitely a loser... NOooo!!! I cant contradict myself.. I should coin another term for this category of people... :) I will call them "They are still a Born winner who wants to be a BIG loser" Aha..


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