Monday, January 16, 2006

Flashback to my graduation days...

Just like everyone else, graduation years were among the best years of my life. Entered Roorkee university when I just crossed my sweet sixteenth birthday, with the hope of bright future, the fear of unknown and carrying the weight of my parents' and my own expectations. Out in the open world for the first time from a protected environment. But there I found my best friends who helped me in every situations. Still in touch with few. Lost touch with few. Still trying to contact them. There were few incidents, which occurred to me, to some of my batchmates, to my whole batch.
Let me try to list them:
90% disciplined
Cricket Contests
Electrical Engg Experiments/Accidents/Incidents
Some Ragging incidents
Bakar Sessions
Shuklaji's final year frustration
A story around money constraints


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