Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cloudy Journey through Ice Creams !!!!!

I was coming back to Bangalore in an early morning flight. It was an spectacular site from plane once the plane was about to land. You could see clouds.. A clear white colored ones.. of different shapes and sizes. Earlier the plane was quite at height and the clouds were looking very small in size but numerous... So it was giving a feeling of walking on cloud nine (literally :)) . Then when the plane started to descend.. it was more like a hide and seek game between the sun and clouds. The plane was getting in and out of clouds. It was like cotton spread all over... very clean cotton...
Or Vanilla ice cream cones(Not my imagination but a borrowed one :)) . I was feeling like licking few of them.. but Alas the window could not be opened... :)

Was thinking .... If I tell some kids that clouds are actually ice cream cones.. then how will they react when they are in the plane and passing through it.. They will definitely clean the window pane by licking it.. :)

Some thing good to read

An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the world. So he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to china. On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read "$10,000 per call". The American, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by what the telephone was used for. The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 you could talk to God.

The American thanked the priest and went along his way. Next stop was in Japan. There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the same golden telephone with the same sign under it. He wondered if this was the same kind of telephone he saw in china and he asked a nearby nun what its purpose was. She told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000 he could talk to God. "O.K., thank you," said the American.

He then traveled to Pakistan , Sri Lanka, Russia , Germany and France . In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same "$10,000 per call" sign under it.

The American, upon leaving Vermont decided to travel to up to India to see if Indians had the same phone. He arrived in India , and again, in the first church he entered, there was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read "One Rupee per call." The American was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign. "Father, I've traveled all over World and I've seen this same golden telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, but in the US the price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?"

The priest smiled and answered, "You're in India now, son - it's a local call". KEEP SMILING :-)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Some quotes from "Before Sunrise"

This is among my favourite movies. Have already watched it many times. I am some of its quotes (Thanks to IMDB). Many of those are intriguing. Just in case you have not watched it, do watch it....

Celine: I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.
Jesse: Sometimes I dream about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes it feels really close. But then other times it seems silly like it would ruin my whole life. And it's not just a fear of commitment or that I'm incapable of caring or loving because... I can. It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way than that I'd just been in a nice, caring relationship.
Jesse: I know happy couples... but I think they lie to each other!
Street Poet: Daydream delusion, limousine eyelash / Oh baby with your pretty face / Drop a tear in my wineglass / Look at those big eyes / See what you mean to me / Sweet-cakes and milkshakes / I'm a delusion angel / I'm a fantasy parade / I want you to know what I think / Don't want you to guess anymore / You have no idea where I came from / We have no idea where we're going / Lodged in life / Like branches in a river/ Flowing downstream / Caught in the current / I carry you / You'll carry me / That's how it could be / Don't you know me? / Don't you know me by now?
Celine: Well, who says relationships have to last forever?
Jesse: You know what's the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? Is when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with and you realize that is how little they're thinking of you. You know, you'd like to think you're both in all this pain but they're just like 'Hey, I'm glad you're gone'.
Celine: Isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?